School Of Applied Arts

Dean's Message

Prof. Uriah Stonewell Tetteh

Dean, School Of Applied Arts

School Of Applied Arts


In June 2020, a proposal for the splitting of the erstwhile School of Applied Sciences and Arts in conformity with the Vice-Chancellor and the institution’s vision of expanding Cape Coast Technical University was submitted for the consideration of Academic Board. Following the Academic Board’s approval on September 4, 2020, the School of Applied Sciences and Arts was split into the School of Applied Sciences and Technology (SAST) and the School of Applied Arts (SAA).


The mission is to deliver high quality education in Applied Arts through   practical teaching and research excellence and innovative programs to provide the skills needed to become market leaders.


The vision is to position Cape Coast Technical University as the leading educational hub for Applied Arts with emphasis on technology transfer and innovation in Ghana.


Undergraduate , 3 year(s)

Undergraduate , 2 year(s)

Undergraduate , 4 year(s)

Undergraduate , 4 year(s)

Undergraduate , 2 year(s)

Undergraduate , 3 year(s)

Undergraduate , 3 year(s)

Undergraduate , 2 year(s)

Undergraduate , 2 year(s)

Undergraduate , 4 year(s)

Undergraduate , 2 year(s)