Department Of Procurement And Supply Chain Management

Department Of Procurement And Supply Chain Management


The Department of Procurement and Supply Chain Management formerly known as the Department of Purchasing and Supply Studies was established in the 2013/2014 academic year. It currently runs both tertiary (HND & B. Tech. Top-Up) and non-tertiary (Diploma) programmes. The HND programme is run both on regular and weekend bases; the Diploma programme is on regular basis whiles the B. Tech. Top-Up is on weekend basis. These programmes provide a well-rounded approach to business procurement and helps students to develop the key procurement competencies in supply chains and networks.

Vision Statement

To be a leading professional business oriented Department in Ghana that offers high quality career-oriented vocational and technical educational for national development.

Mission Statement

The mission is to offer the best purchasing and supply skills for all who have a yearning to acquire a hands-on-training for academic and professional excellence so that they can be agents of both economic prosperity and transformative social change.

Head Of Department’s Name

John Mensah (PhD)

Programmes’ Focus

The programmes’ main focus is on equipping students with the relevant fundamental skills, knowledge and competencies to effectively and efficiently manage procurement, supply and logistics related activities in order to add value to the operations of their organisations.


The Department currently has six academic staff as follows:



John Mensah (PhD)

(Head of Department)

Doctor of Philosophy in Business and Management (Procurement and Supply Chain Management), KNUST;

MBA Logistics and Supply Chain Management, KNUST.

Matilda Addae

MBA Logistics and Supply Chain Management, KNUST.

Samuel Bruce Rockson

MPhil Logistics and Supply Chain Management, KNUST.

Oliver Osei Dwomoh

MSc. Supply Chain Management, Coventry University, UK;


Isaac Quaye (PhD)

PhD in Management Science and Engineering (Supply Chain Finance Major), University of Electronics Science & Technology of China (UESTC).

MSc in Management Science and Engineering (Supply Chain Finance Major), UESTC.

Gregory Kaku

MCom in  Procurement and Supply Chain Management, UCC.


List Of Publications

  • Annan, J., Boso, N., Mensah, J. & Nagbe S. E. (2016). Antecedents and Consequences of Supply Chain Integration: Empirical Evidence from a Developing Economy. International Journal of Supply Chain Management, Vol. 5, No 1 IJSCM, ISSN: 2050-7399 (Online), 2051-3771 (Print).   
  • Mensah, J., Anim, K.S., Obeng, F., & Peprah, J. A. (2016). Demand Forecasting in the Maritime Industry, a Case of Maerskline Ghana. Archives of Business Research, 4(1), 192-208.
  • Anim, K.S., Moschetto, R. and Mensah, J., (2016). Beauty and the beast-Analyzing 21st century educational Leadership. Business Management and Consumer Studies-An International Journal, Vol. 1, No. 2, (2016), pp. 102-106, ISSN 2415-0347 (Online), ISSN 2414-2808 (Print)
  • Peprah J.A, Nduro K, Mensah J. (2015). Stimulating Innovation through Public Procurement: Barriers to Awareness Level of Public Procurement of Innovation. Business and Economic Research, 6(1):13-32.
  • Mensah, J., Annan, J. and Asamoah, D., (2015). Optimizing Drug Supply Chain in Hospital Pharmacy Department: An Empirical Evidence from a Developing Country. Business and Economic Research Journal, pages 153-169, doi: 10.5296/ber.v5i2.7789
  • Annan, J., Mensah, J. & Boso, N. (2015). Traffic congestion Impact on Energy Consumption and Workforce Productivity: Empirical Evidence from a Developing Country. Archives of Business Research, 3(4),) 40-54.
  • Obeng, F., Mensah, J., Anim, K.S., (2015). Outsourcing Strategies of Mining Industries: An Empirical Evidence from a Developing Nation. International Journal of Supply Chain Management, Vol. 4, No. 4, IJSCM, ISSN: 2050-7399 (Online), 2051-3771 (Print), Excelling Tech Pub, UK (  
  • Anim, K. S. and Mensah J. (2015) Service Quality in Higher Education: A Comparative Study in Tertiary Institutions in Sub-Saharan Africa. Global Journal of Educational Studies, Macrothink Institute, Vol. 1, No. 2, doi: 10.5296/gjes.v1i2.7965
  • Peprah, A. J., Nduro, K. and Mensah, J. (2015). Stimulating Innovation through Public Procurement: The Level of Awareness among Key Stakeholders. Global Journal of Educational Studies, Macrothink Institute, Vol. 1, No. 2, ISSN 2377-3936, DOI; 10.5296/gjes.v1i2.8263
  • Mensah, J., Asamoah, D. and Tawiah A. A., (2014), Optimizing Patient Flow and Resource Utilization in Out Patient Clinic: A Comparative Study of Nkawie Government Hospital and Aniwaa Health Center, Journal of Applied Business and Economics, 16(3), 181–188.
  • Mensah, J., Annan, J., & Andoh-Baidoo, F. (2014), Assessing the Impact of Vehicular Traffic on Energy Demand in Accra Metropolis. Journal of Management Policy and Practice, 15 (4), 127–136.
  • Nyan, L. M., Rockson, S. B., & Addo, P. K. (2020). The Mediation Effect of Customer Satisfaction on the Relationship Between Service Quality and Customer Loyalty. Journal of Management and Strategy, Vol. 11(3), pp. 13 – 27.
  • Asamoah, D., Annan, J., Rockson, S. B., & Effah-Baah, D. (2019). The influence of the status quo bias theory in the compliance to public procurement regulations in a Sub-Saharan economy. International Journal of Procurement Management, 12(1), 15-40
  • Rockson, S. B., Annan, J. and Muntaka, A. S. (2017). The Implications of Managed-Workforce Diversity on Internal Supply Chain Integration and Business Performance. International Journal of Business and Management, Vol. 12 (5), pp. 105 - 118. doi:10.5539/ijbm.v12n5p104
  • Rockson, S. B., Owusu-Anane, E. and Sey, K. A. (2017). Managing Supplier Relationship in a Typical Public Procurement Entity in Ghana: Outcome and Challenges. Journal of Logistics Management, Vol. 6(1), pp. 26-33. doi:10.5923/j.logistics.20170601.03
  • Amua-Sekyi, A., Ameza-Xemalordzo, E. B., Rockson, S. B. (2021). Examining the Mediating Role of Corporate Image on The Relationship Between E-Banking Technology and Customer Satisfaction:  A Case of Bank Customers in Ghana. Research Journal of Business and Economic Management. (Under peer review)
  • Annan, J., Asamoah, D. and Rockson, S. B. (2021). Service quality, Customer Satisfaction, Re- Purchase Behaviour: Empirical Evidence from the Mass Road Transport Sector in a Developing Economy. Transportmetrica B Journal (Under Peer Review).
  • Rockson, S. B., Dwomoh, O. O. and Addae, M. (2021). Port Security Management and Operational Efficiency- Evidence from Takoradi Port in Ghana. (Under Peer Review).
  • Akomea, S. Y., Asiamah Donkor, I. & Rockson, S. B. (2021). An Assessment of GNPC Foundation’s Co-Creation and Community Responsiveness: The Mediating Role of Social Innovation. (Under Peer Review)